My Journey to Freedom
Hey there! Ever feel like you’re constantly trying to be the perfect employee, mom, wife, student, (fill in the blank)? Do you find yourself constantly chasing after some impossible standard and the “shoulds” and “should nots” have you on a treadmill to nowhere?
Yeah, me too. No really – I can relate. That is exactly where I was. I used to run myself ragged trying to earn God’s favor – one rule at a time.
Until recently, I suffered years of believing that I was not good enough for God to accept me. This belief system wreaked havoc in my life leading to exhaustion, depression, and a host of other issues. But then….GRACE showed up! It was like discovering a hidden oasis in the desert. A place where I no longer had to strive to reach expectations that the Lord never placed on me!
Now, I am on a journey to help others discover the same for themselves.
If you are reading this, there is still a flame of hope in you that God wants to fan!
Hope that God accepts you.
Hope that someone understands your desperation.
Hope that there is a better way.
So, if you’re tired of the rat race, and the treadmill has worn you out, I am here to tell you there is hope. I promise.
I am living proof.